Thursday 7 June 2018

What to do to make money online.

First off, If you were unsuccessful in making money on the internet in the previous year, it simply wasn't your fault. You just didn't know how to earn money online ;)
Follow this guide and I can bet it will help you earn a lot. But remember, earning money online requires a lot of hard work and patience.
Making money online is really easy. But making real online money is kind of a difficult task.
I have been making a lot of money since I found that Internet can make me money :)
Bear In Mind, Making Money Online Is Not An Easy Task. You need a lot of patience and hard work :)
So, here are some of the best ways to make money online: 

1. Start A Blog:-
This has to come on the first place. I am a blogger and blogging has helped me earn a lot of money.
When I started out with blogging, I wasn't making any money with my blog. Because I simply didn't know how.
Most people think making money with blog is an easy task. But it's not. It takes tons and tons of time and hard work to make your blog earn you money.
I earn a lot of money through my blog. Have a look at the below chart. It shows how much the most popular sites on the internet earn:

My friends generally be like "We will put up a blog on the internet, add 20-30 blog posts to it and money will follow up.". They think like this because they have seen me make a lot of money through my blog.
But they don't know how much time I spend working on my blog. I work day and night to promote my blog.

Gary Vaynerchuck is the owner of Wine Library TV which is really famous YouTube channel about wine. Gary Vaynerchuck earns a lot through his youtube channel by promoting his own Wine.

When he started Wine Library TV, he used to get around 5-6 views on his videos. But he didn't give up. He worked and now he is really famous among internet marketers.

Watch the below video where he explains it all:

So, if you are ready to work as hard as possible, here are some ways you can earn money with your blog:

Advertisements - If you have been using internet for more than a week, you probably know what advertisements are. They are the eye catching images that you see along with articles on popular websites like The Huffington Post.

Advertisements have a lot of money making potential. They can earn you a lot of money. Most popular news websites survive on the revenue they generate from Advertising

But adverts on your blog can be annoying a lot of time. So, you need to be really careful when choosing the ad network or advertiser you promote. I recommend and use Google Adsense. They serve high quality ads and pay very well.

Affiliate Marketing - Affiliate marketing is simply the process of marketing someone else's product on your own blog.

When you promote an affiliate product, you get a percentage of the profit from the sale. This percentage can be anything in between 10% and 99% ( 99% is seen rarely ).

I know a lot of people who earn a handsome amount of money through affiliate marketing.
Affiliate marketing makes you more money than Advertisements.

Sponsored Posts - Sponsored posts are another great way of earning money through your blog.

If you want to earn money through sponsored posts, you will need a blog that attracts a lot of traffic and drives a lot engagement. Or else no one will approach you for Sponsored Posts.

Earning money through sponsored posts is easy. Just write about someone's product and earn money.

All the above ways can make you a lot of money through your blog but in order to make money through your blog, you will need traffic. The more traffic you get the more you will earn.

How Can I Drive Traffic To My Blog?", you may ask.

Post Links To Your Blog On Small Channels:

Posting links on small channels like Facebook Groups, LinkedIn Groups and Google Plus Communities is a great way of generating traffic.
Each time I publish a new article, I post about it on all small channels I know like Facebook Groups, LinkedIn Groups and Google Plus Communities. And I get around 10,000 visitors every week just by posting just one link on these small channels.

But be aware that shameless link drops will get your posts into spam filters on these social networks and communities.

  • Here are some more examples of small channels that we see in our next post

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