Wednesday, 8 August 2018

Search engine algorithm full tutorial


Search engine algorithm full tutorial
Search engine algorithm full tutorial

1).Introduction to search engine algorithm-  Before learning about google algorithm,let us first know what exactly an algorithm is ,an algorithm is a set of instruction to solve a problem in finite numbers of steps .And google algorithm follows the same definition and rule of is a very complex algorithm that serves the result and it changes relatively frequently.

2).Why search engine updates its algorithm?

The digital world is now more hypedup,dynamic and influential then ever before.the constant need to deliver best result to the users has always been for google and hence to keep up the changing requirement of the user and the need to deliver the most relevant result,google updates its algorithm to eliminate the sites and content they may harm the user.

Search engine algorithm full tutorial
Search engine algorithm full tutorial

3).why search engine penalize a website?

A google penalty is the negative  impact of the search engine on the website may be a  by-product of the algorithm update or if the website has intentionally used black-hat techniques.

The reason why your website may be penalized-

  1. Buying links to increase the number of backlinks coming to your site.
  2. Excessive number of reciprocal links.
  3. High quantity of duplicate links internal 404 error.
  4. Black hat techniques like -keyword stuffing,hidden links,hidden content.
  5. Using the link of the footer section to pass excessive link juice.
  6. missing the sitemap data.
  7. Broken external links.
  8. Neglecting hreflang-'hreflang' is designed to notify google that you have internationally published duplicate content for different languages or localities.
  9. Website timing out again and again.
  10. Affiliate links all over the website.
  11. overusing the meta tags in the website.
  12. The slow loading speed of the website.
  13. Hacked content.
  14. Link to suspicious sites.
  15. Excessive blocking of the site using the robots.txt.file 
  16. Over optimizing of the websites.
  17. To many outbound links.
  18. Error codes in website -apart from 404 error ,there are other errors in the like 302(temporary redirrection),500 errors,etc,can also lead to penalty.
  19. Poor mobile websites.
  20. Domain has a bad reputation.
  21. Using link farm i.e. multiple links at one place or link spamming.

4). How to know if the website has been penalized?

Search engine algorithm
Search engine algorithm

If the website has been penalized then ,it is not the end of the can recover from a penalty by following some steps.but,first how to know whether your website has been penalized or not?penalties can be automatic or manual.with manual penalties,you''ll probably told , but you may not always know you 've been  targeted if the cause is algorithmic.for algorithmic  penalties,here are some clues to know-

  1. Your website is not rankling well for your brand name any more .that's a dead giveaway even if your site doesn't rank for much else .it should at least do well on that one keyword.
  2. Any page one positions you had are slipping back to page two or three without any action on your part.
  3. Page rank of your site has inexplicably dropped from a respectable two or three to a big fat zero {or measly pr of one}
  4. The entire website has been removed from google 's cached search results overnight.
  5. Running a site search -site; keyword -yields no results.
  6. Your listing-when you eventually find it in google -is for a page on your site other then the homepage.


Now that you have figured out the cause of the penalty,now is the time for recovery and here are a few things you can try-
  • Don't panic even massive website suffer from penalties.
  • Disavow troublesome links.Ask google not to count troublesome links that are harming your website.
  • get some links removed .while disavow is good ,it's not perfect .try to manually remove the links.
  • Request reconsideration if your penalty was manual.
  • Wait it out.Sometimes it takes google a while to act on your changes the disavow requests,and then it could take a while for it to re-crawl your site.
In a few cases,it's better to abandom a site rather then a fight a google penalty;if your domain has been tarnished,there's little you can do .but most penalties can be fixed with a little effort ,some hard work and an ethical approach to rebuilding your site.


Although google rolls out updates frequently ,the three major updates that have occurred till now are panda ,penguin and hummingbird.the recent updates are the versions of these updates.


Search engine algorithm full tutorial
Search engine algorithm full tutorial

Google panda is a change to google's search result ranking algorithm there was first released in february 2011.The name ''panda'' comes from google engineer  navneet panda ,who developed that technology that made it possible for google to create and implement the algorithm .the change aimed to lower the rank of low quality sites .in particular ''content farms'' and return higher -quality sites near the top of the search results.


Google  penguin is a code name for a google algorithm update that was first announced on april 24,2012.The update is aimed at decreasing search engine rankings of websites that violate google's webmaster guidelines by using now declared black-hat seo techniques involved in increasing artificially the ranking of a webpage by manipulating the number of links pointing to the page.Such tactics are commonly described as link schemes.


The hummingbird update was the first major update to google's search algorithm since the 2010 ''caffeine update'', but even that was limited primarily to improving the indexing of information rather then sorting of information. Google started using hummingbird about august 30,2013 and announced the change on september 26 on the eve  of the company's 15th anniversary.Hummingbird is about synonyms but also about context.Google always had synonyms ,but with hummingbird it is also able to judge context - thereby judging the intent of a person carrying out a search ,to determine what they are trying to find out. This concept is called semantic search. Google said that hummingbird is paying more attention to each word in a query-The whole sentence and the conversation or meaning-is taken into account . Michelle hill said hummingbird is about ''understanding intent''.
                                                                     STEVE master wrote ,'' The  hummingbird approach should be inspirational to anyone managing and planning content- if you aren't already thinking like hummingbird ,you should be.In a nutshell , think about why people are looking for something rather then what they are looking for.

10). GOOGLE EMD :-

The EMD update- for''exact match domain''- is a filter google launched in september 2012 to  prevent poor quality site from ranking well simply because they had words that match search terms in their domain names.
EMD gets it's name because it targets ''exact match domain'', Which are domains that exactly match the search term that they hope to be found for google specifically said EMD was designed to go after poor quality sites that also have exact match domains. If you do a search for ''google'' ,you still find plenty of googles  web sites that all have ''google'' in the domain name. EMD didn't wipe them out because those sites are deemed to have quality content .EMD is more likely hitting domain like online-computer-training-; It's a fairly generic name with lots of keywords in it but no real brand recognition.Domains like this are often purchased by someone hoping that just having all the words they want to be found for (''online computer training schools'') Will help them rank well.But such site also often lacked any really content. 

Friday, 3 August 2018

Best place to generate backlinks


Question-Answer sites are the best place to generate backlinks. when you answer a question of your niche ,you can place a link to the site.but keep in mind not to spam.these sites act as a great source of information,you can ask your queries here or can also answer question asked by others.

Specifically, I’m going to show you 7 strategies that are working GREAT in 2018.
Let’s jump right into the strategies…
I’ve used “Skyscraper” content to build links from authority sites like
backlink from authority site
hubspot link
And I even got a link from the GoDaddy blog:
godaddy link
Yup, you’ve probably noticed that they’re all linking to the same piece of content: SEO Tools: The Complete List.
seo tools post
Well, my list of SEO tools is a piece of “Skyscraper” content.
And that page has generated LOTS of backlinks.
total backlinks
But more important than that, as you just saw, many of those links are quality backlinks from authority sites.
The question is:
How can you do the same thing?
Here’s the step-by-step process:
First, find a piece of content in your industry that’s already performed well (in terms of links).
The easiest way to do that?
A simple Google search.
Just search for your keyword…
google search
…and check out the first page results:
google search results first page
As you know, backlinks are a super important Google ranking signal.
So if a piece of content is ranking on the first page, you KNOW that lots of people have linked to it.
That’s step #1.
Next, create a piece of content that’s 5-10x better than what you just found.
For example, last year I noticed that most of SEO tools lists out there were “meh”.
So I decided to create something that 10x better.
The result?
Unlike most other list of SEO tools, this post contained every tool on the market (over 180 tools!).
lots of tools 2
Was this piece of content easy to make? Heck no.
But it was worth it. To date, my SEO tools list has been shared on social media over 18,000 times…
social media shares
…and has backlinks from over 500 different domains:
referring domains
Finally, promote your “Skyscraper” content.
This is KEY.
Yes, a piece of Skyscraper content already puts you way ahead of your competitors.
But to get the most out of your content, you need to actively promote it.
There are a million and one ways to promote your content.
So let me show you one quick strategy that works GREAT:
Promote to people that you mention in your post.
For example, I emailed all of the tools that I reviewed in my Skyscraper post. Here’s the exact script that I used:
outreach email
And because I wasn’t pushy or spammy, most of these peeps were more than happy to share my content on social media (some of them even linked to it):

2. Become a Source For Reporters and Bloggers (HARO)

Here’s the deal:
If you want to rank on the first page of Google, you need to build AMAZING links.
(I’m talking about white hat backlinks from authority news sites and blogs)
Fortunately, this isn’t as hard as it sounds.
All you need to do is use a free service called Help a Reporter Out(HARO).
HARO homepage
HARO is like Tinder for public relations.
It connects people that need sources (bloggers and journalists) to people that want links and exposure (you).
And I’ve personally used HARO to build links from mega news sites:
authority site backlink
And I’m not alone. In fact, I get emails like this from Backlinko readers all the time:
links email
To be clear: this strategy takes work. And it’s not always easy.
But in my experience, it’s one of the BEST ways to build high quality backlinks at scale.
With that, let’s dive into the step-by-step process.
First, register as a source.
register as a source
Next, choose a free or paid plan.
Then, keep an eye out for requests that you can contribute to.
HARO requests
Finally, send the journalist a VERY brief and valuable pitch.
For example:
A while back I saw a request from someone asking: “What’s the difference between graphic design and web design?”.
So I submitted this pitch:
HARO pitch
And I got this sweet link from (DA70 website):
edu backlink
Not too shabby.
And if you thought HARO was good, wait until you see strategy #3.

3. Build Links From Outdated Resources

Over the last few months I’ve been experimenting with a new link building strategy (“The Moving Man Method”)…
…and have some AMAZING results to share.
Before I reveal the step-by-step plan that you can use to generate high quality backlinks to your site, I want to show you some real life results.
Using “The Moving Man Method” I recently scored links from…
A DA87 .edu site:
High Domain Authority Link
A PA81 resource page:
Resource Page Link
And several contextual links from relevant sites in the SEO and online marketing space, like this:
editorial backlink
And this:
Link To My Site
And now it’s time for the steps.
1. Your first step is to find sites in your industry that have:
  • Changed names
  • Moved to a new URL
  • Stopped offering a service
  • Stopped updating a resource
  • Shut down
How about an example?
A while back SEOMoz changed their name to Moz (and moved their site from to
moz changes names
After I heard the news, I realized that this was a PERFECT opportunity to reach out to the hundreds of people still linking to the outdated URLs.
2. Our second step is to find sites still linking to the old, outdated URL
This step is important:
Now that you’ve found a site that recently re-branded or a site feature that’s no longer there, it’s time to find the links pointing to that page.
Just grab the URL of the outdated resource and put it into your backlink checking tool of choice.
site explorer ahrefs
(I’m using Ahrefs in this example but there are lots of SEO tools that you can use to do the same thing):
Then, check out all the sites that link to the old URLs.
link profile
Depending on the site, you should have quite a few link opportunities to work with.
Either way, you want to focus on sites that have the highest Domain Authority (DA).
Then, move onto step 3…
3. Last up, reach out and get your links.
Your last step is to reach out to all of the people that still link to the outdated resource.
You want to give them a quick heads up about their outdated link…and gently suggest that they add your link to their site.
I tested a few different outreach eail scripts for my SEOmoz/Moz campaign. Here’s the one that worked best:
And because I added value to their site twice — once from the heads up about their outdated link and again by showing them my valuable resource — people were more than happy to add my link to their page:
That’s all there is to it 🙂

4. Stop Guessing. Use Content Formats PROVEN To Generate Links and Social Shares

As you might have heard, BuzzSumo recently did a study of 1 million blog posts and articles:
buzzsumo moz study
So, what did they find?
They discovered that most content is completely ignored.
In fact, they found that 75% of all online content gets ZERO links.
zero links
That’s the bad news.
The good news is, they found that certain TYPES of content performed great.
Specifically, they discovered that the following content formats tended to generate lots of backlinks:
content type and links
In other words, if you want to get backlinks, focus on these content formats:
  • List Posts
  • Quizzes
  • “Why” Posts
  • “How to” Posts
  • Infographics
  • Videos
And I’ve seen these content formats produce results firsthand.
For example, here’s a post on my site that’s been linked to over 700 times:
backlinks ahrefs
(Including a handful of links from high Domain Authority sites)
Sure enough, that post is one of the formats I listed above: an infographic.
viral content infographic
How about another example?
This list of SEO techniques has 5.4k backlinks to date.
seo techniques post
This shouldn’t come as a surprise. The BuzzSumo study found that lists posts outperformed every other content format that they looked at.
list post and links
In fact, the authors of the study conclude that: “List posts appear to perform consistently well as a content format in terms of both shares and links.”
Am I saying: “Just publish a bunch of infographics and lists posts and you’re good”?
Of course not.
If you want people to link to you, your content has to be amazing.
But these formats give you a starting point for writing amazing content that actually works.
Speaking of content formats…

5. Want High Quality Backlinks? Publish Ultimate Guides

You already know that the only way to move your site to the top of Google is to build high quality backlinks (and lots of them).
That much is clear.
But HOW do you get other sites to actually link to you?
Ultimate Guides.
Ultimate Guides are absolute link MAGNETS.
For example, here’s an Ultimate Guide to link building that I published a while back:
link building guide
Even though I wrote that guide 2 years ago, it continues to generate links today (in 2018).
link from a blog post
Why do Ultimate Guides work so well?
First, comprehensive guides tend to contain A LOT of content on a single page. In fact, my guide to link building is a whopping 4,834 words.
According to lots of SEO ranking factor studies (including ours), long-form content tends to perform better in Google than short articles:
Also, ultimate guides cover an entire topic on a single page.
And because your guide is the “go-to” resource for a topic, people will link to it whenever they write about that topic on their blog:
link to guide
Here’s exactly how to create an ultimate guide, step-by-step.
1. Your first step is to find a topic for your guide.
This is important.
You want to choose a popular topic that hasn’t been covered to death already.
(If you’re the 18th ultimate guide on that topic, you’re going to be ignored)
Instead, choose a topic that hasn’t been covered to death yet.
For example, when I published my link building guide, I noticed the first page of Google had some helpful posts…
link building posts
…but NO ultimate guides.
I also considered writing an ultimate guide to SEO. But there were already a million guides on that topic:
seo guides
So I went with link building. And it worked out GREAT.
2. Next, outline your ultimate guide.
This is easy.
Just list out subtopics that make up your larger topic.
For example, for my link building guide, I simply listed out subtopics like this:
  • What is link building?
  • Black hat SEO
  • White hat SEO
  • Anchor text
  • Content
  • Email outreach
  • Advanced tips
And many of these subtopics each became sections of my guide:
3. Lastly, write your Ultimate Guide.
And remember:
Don’t be afraid to cover EVERYTHING there is to know about a topic.
That way, your guide will be seen as THE definitive resource.
(Also, like I mentioned earlier, longer content tends to generate more backlinks, shares… and higher rankings in Google)
Let’s jump right into strategy #6.

6. Use Branded Strategies and Techniques

Remember strategy #3 from this guide?
link building strategy
You might have noticed that I didn’t just outline the strategy… I also named it.
link building strategy
This wasn’t the first time that I mentioned the “Moving Man Method” in a blog post.
In fact, thanks to naming my strategy, people link to my content on The Moving Man Method all the time:
(People even publish entire blog posts about it)
blog post about named strategy
And those links ONLY happened because I gave my strategy a memorable name.
How about another example?
Ramit Sethi created a strategy for looking like a rockstar at meetings called “The Briefcase Technique“:
post by ramit
And because Ramit named his strategy, he got a bunch of amazing links:
editorial link
Now that you’ve seen how well this can work, it’s time to cover the specific steps:
Step #1: Develop a Unique Strategy, Tip or Tactic
This sounds hard… but it isn’t.
All you need to do is come up with a strategy that has SOMETHING unique about it.
(In other words, the entire strategy doesn’t need to be unique)
Derek Halpern puts it best:
Derek Halpern
You may not have unique ingredients, but you’ve got a unique recipe.
And that unique recipe is all that matters.
For example, lets look at The Moving Man Method.
People have been using broken links as part of link building campaigns for ages.
So what made my strategy different?
My unique twist was that the links weren’t necessarily broken (as in, showing a 404 error).
The links I used for The Moving Man Method technically worked… they were just outdated:
outdated link
And that was enough.
Step #2: Next, name your strategy.
I called my strategy The Moving Man Method because you’re helping the site owner “move” their link.
Not the most creative name, but it gets the job done.
So yeah, just make sure the name describes what your strategy does.
Other than that, just make sure to use one of these words in your strategy name:
  • Method
  • Technique
  • Approach
  • System
  • Blueprint
You get the idea 🙂
Step #3: Publish the strategy as part of a blog post.
Your last step is to show people that your new strategy actually works.
Publish your strategy in the form of a blog post.
(That way, people have something to link to whenever they reference your technique).
For example, here’s the post I used to announce The Moving Man Method to the world:
backlinko post
In this post I didn’t just say: “Look at my new strategy. It probably works!”.
Instead, I showed people PROOF that The Moving Man Method gets results:
contextual backlink
And that 1-2 punch (a branded strategy + proof) is an asset that can result in HUNDREDS of backlinks.
Which brings us to our last strategy…

7. Authority Resource Pages

Resource pages are a link builder’s dream.
Why? They’re pages that exist solely to link out to other sites.
Here’s an example:
resource page example
And here’s an example of a link that I recently landed from a resource page:
resource page backlink
You might be wondering
“OK, that’s great. But how can I get links from resource pages”?
Like every strategy in this post, I’ll walk you through the step-by-step process:
First, you need to find resource pages.
These can be tricky to find. Very few people call their resource page a “resource page”.
Instead, people tend to describe their pages with terms like:
“helpful resources”
“useful resources”
“further reading”
“additional resources”
So to find these pages, you just need to search for these terms… plus a keyword.
For example, let’s say you just published an article about link building.
You’d do a Google search using this keyword:
search string
And within 5 seconds I found a massive list of link building resources:
link building page
Second, now that you’ve found a resource page, it’s time to reach out and (nicely) ask for a link.
(Pro Tip: Check the resource page for outdated or broken links BEFORE you reach out. Letting the someone know about their broken link can 2-5x your conversion rate compared to straight up asking for a link)
Here’s the email script that I recommend:
To be clear:
This script is just a starting point.
The more you personalize your outreach emails, the more links you’ll get.
But his proven script is a proven outline that you can start with.
Every once and a while someone will mention you in a blog post…
…but won’t actually link to your site.
Here’s an example:
unlinked mention
See how that person mentioned my site… but didn’t link to me?
That’s called an”Unlinked Brand Mention”.
These mentions are super easy to turn into backlinks.
The author of the post already mentioned you. Which means they like you.
So you just need to send them this friendly email:
And you’re set.

Bonus Strategy #2: Send “Feeler” Emails

When it comes to email outreach, you have two options:
Option #1: Ask people for links in your first email
Option #2: Use a “feeler” email
From running hundreds of link building campaigns, I’ve found that both approaches can work.
But I’ve ALSO found that so-called “Feeler” emails increase conversions by 40%+.
So: what are “Feeler” emails?
Feeler emails are messages you send to prospects without asking for a link.
(You’re “feeling out” whether or not they’re receptive to your outreach… before you make a link pitch).
Here’s an example:
See how Mike doesn’t ask for a link? Instead, he asks the person if they’d like to see it first.
IF they say “yes”, you send them your pitch:
In Mike’s case, the “Feeler” email got 40% more responses vs. asking for a link in the first email.
Very cool.

What Do You Think?

There you have it: seven proven ways to get quality backlinks in 2018.
Now I’d like to hear from you.
Which strategy from today’s post are you going to use first?
Are you excited to publish an Ultimate Guide?
Or maybe you want to test “Feeler” emails.
Let me know by leaving a comment below right now.

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